Here are just 10 amazing tricks to keep you looking cool in the heat from the Make Up Masterminds behind VERITAS COSMETICS:
1.Try not to leave ur makeup bag/purse in the car too long even a quick run into the store can turn your favorite cocoa pencil into hot chocolate;For a quick save from a make up meltdown store ur lip and eye pencils in the freezer until they reharden,then just sharpen and Voila! good as new.
2.To avoid Liquid lipstick... keep lipsticks in the fridge so they wont melt or smudge and their quite refreshing when applying chilled,this is especially great for lip balm in the cooler at the pool or beach.
3.Opt for a gel eyeliner in a pot during really hot days. Ours is sweat proof,waterproof and won't melt in your purse.The consistency remains the same in all temperatures so it'll glide on easily whether it's 20 below or 200 degrees. We offer 5 shades: Caviar,Mink,Pinot Noir,Envy & Ice.
4.Professional Make Up artists have long known the benefits of a good foundation primer,But now it's a proven fact! According to a Good Housekeeping Research Institute test, primer helped volunteers' makeup look better and hold up throughout the day (even after a sweltering stint in our 80-degree, high-humidity chamber)So never underestimate their worth especially when a client has a photo shoot or an affair, their makeup MUST stay in place.
If you've tried them in the past and weren't pleased,try again my friend, The new silicone based formulas are light weight and leave skin silky smooth while keep pores tight and makeup set all day.It's a MUST HAVE for all june brides and summer proms.
5.Change your "Makeup Wardrobe" just as you would swap out your winter/summer clothes!:
~ Lighten up your lip colors instead of using those deep sensual shades you wore in the winter, try a light colored gloss to make your tan pop or a cherry colored stain to make your smile look even brighter,Don't forget to match your liner to your new shade& remember lip liner should NEVER be more than one shade deeper than your lip shade color,I reccomend Veritas clear,waterproof lip liner in Empress for use with sheer glosses and hard to match summer colors.It will keep your lip line moist without letting your gloss bleed or lipstick wear off.
~Keep your face feeling light & dewy by replacing your winter foundation with a light/sheer foundation with less coverage,If you don't want to buy new face makeup invest in a synthetic foundation brush,it'll give you a lighter more even application,a bare skin look,As an extra bonus you'll save makeup! it takes much less makeup to moisten a brush than it does to moisten a sponge plus its reusable (sponges are single use) and can be washed everyday!So no more buying sponges all the time.
~Trade your black eyeliner and mascara for a lighter summer eye by replacing them with a brown mascara and either a soft "olive" green or a light brown pencil to "soften" your appearance.
6.Always use an SPF! not just at the beach but always!Try bringing makeup remover towelettes to the beach with you,keep them in the cooler and clean SPF,Tanning Oils off your face A.S.A.P. to avoid summer break outs & clogged pores.
7.Avoid wearing clear lip glosses to the beach,Either wear a colored gloss or an SPF balm,Clear glosses act as a super conductor for sunlight use something with pigment to lessen your exposure and keep lips supple.
8.Apply bronzers realistically, we all like to look tan but all too often we become overzealous and can get heavy handed with the bronzing brush while forgetting the neck and decolletage, so be sure your bronzer is a realistic shade for you and focus only on areas wear the sun would hit you naturally, if your just rubbing the brush all over ur face never looks natural.
9.It's important to stay Hydrated! Water is crucial to healthy skin,But in the event of water retention (puffiness in the eye area) a small dab of Preparation H on the puffy area will cause the tissue to shrink thus making puffiness temporarily disappear.AVOID GETTING IT IN THE EYE! it will burn like hell, remember this is just a quick fix it is not to be used to frequently nor is it in place of an eye cream.
10.#10 is my special #,Since these are secrets from industry insiders that don't all refer to makeup.
~ In order for models to keep their feeting from sliding in their sandals ( creating toe overhang) BLECH They swipe the soles of their feet w/deodorant befor putting on sandals
~In a pinch if you really feel like your sweating and you don't want your makeup to run,excuse yourself to the powder room then run cold water over the insides of your wrists,Wrists are a pulse point &It'll instantly drop your body temperature by a few degrees and save your makeup.
I hope you ladies find our summer make up tips this interesting and I'd love to hear any of yours if u dont mind sharing...XOXOXOX